Saturday, 31 December 2011


It is officially 2012 and for some reason I am supposed to take this opportunity to make daft promises to myself which will make me a better person! Whoever said 'new year, new you' is a dickhead. I'd say that if you are that intent on changing something about yourself, you'll do it as soon as the idea comes to you..

If you suddenly decide in the middle of September that you are gonna lose some weight and lead a healthier lifestyle and are truly serious about it, then you'll start right there in September. You won't put it off until January 1st because it says somewhere that the next year in your life should be different. I don't know what magic is supposed to be behind January 1st, but I'll let you know now that there isn't any. Some advertising student made it up so that the sales of exercise videos and equipment, as well as gym membership would sky rocket.  In fact, it's been shown that most people break their NY resolution within 10 days of the new year.

So, besides that little rant, I wanted to make this post about Christmas. It came and went without and major issues and even the minor ones were incredibly minor. I think because this was my first time being away from home for so long, coming home for Christmas seemed like a present in itself (that's quite deeep) ((so deep infact, that it has three e's)). I was so happy to be home, as any of you who had read my last 8(?) posts would know that I was more than happy to do anything and everything that was asked of me. This coupled with the fact that my mum had just had some awesomely robotic surgery made me a daughter from heaven :)
Christmas morning dawned and the mature adult in me woke up at a reasonable time - 8:45 and instead of opening all my presents, I sat in an armchair and read a book until everyone else woke up. I thought that since I hadn't asked for any present and therefore everything that was below the tree was a surprise, I would wait until the lady who bought them awoke so she could experience the sheer joy of watching me opening them. 

When mum finally feel out of bed and came to open presents the fun began. I honestly love watching people opening their gifts rather than getting my own as I like to know that what the were given is something that they really like. You CAN tell whether or not someone is faking a look of happiness and when they do I try to be discreet and not mention it. Considering that I'm on a student budget I think I did well with my Christmas shopping for the family this year. Or as we say in Enfield - the fam. Brother's 1 & 2 received - zilch, but they will get something nice for their birthdays. Sister got a Westlife calender and a DVD of some sad old movie about a doggie. Mother got tickets to see one of her favourite comedians, an apron with Wonder Woman on it and the obligatory set of books. Father got desperately needed clothes and some books. I did not, however, do so well on the boyfriend front. One angry birds t shirt which included little thought and a Lion King DVD which he already knew about. He will however also be getting something awesomer for his birthday than the drivel which girlfriend gave him for our 2nd Christmas together. 

So, here is Christmas - 

Friday, 16 December 2011

When Santa Got Stuck Up The Chimeny

I had my first tutor meeting with my year tutor today. She also happens to teach me 2 out of my 4 modules. I was expecting her to just go over our January assignment with me and ask me if I was having any problems but no, it was a bit more intense than that.

She had planned to go through every little detail of the past 4 months of my student life. She started with my mid term assessment, which she reminded me, doesn't actually count towards any of my final marks. It was just a little bit of stressful fun to see how well I was grasping the course. Apparently I grasp the course at a B grade level which I wasn't too disappointed with considering I really had no idea what I was talking about when I wrote it. She then killed my happy little mood by telling me that if this piece was being considered as a formal assessment I would have failed because there were no references in it. To cut a long story short, I don't see how/why you would reference something if you didn't go on to use any of the information that you read in your essay. 

After that she pointed out that I'd missed 10 classes. Not 10 of her classes, but 10 altogether out of the whole term. Which, I know isn't wonderful but it isn't terrible either. HOWEVER! I was then told that I had one of the worst attendances in the whole class, which just can't be true. Especially considering that there are a number of girls in my class who we all forgot about because we hadn't seen them since the induction week. When the do randomly turn up there is that moment of confusion when you wonder who the bloody hell is sitting at your table talking to every one. I pointed this out and the tutor had to check the register just to see if there were girls in the class like that. (I say girls because there is only one guy in out class and I love him so I'll probably mention him by name ) Made me sad :(

BUT I go home tomorrow so that makes me incredibly hap hap happy :) I'm also surprised that I managed to pack in such a short space of time :) - 49 minutes for your information! I'm not looking forward to the incredibly early start I have to get to the airport and I'm a little nervous about getting to the airport and seeing how much my luggage weighs. So if anyone is at Stansted tomorrow and see's the marshmallow man wandering around - it's just me :P

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Frosty the Snowman

I am in a brilliant mood today.
I came home to find 2 lovely little letters on my kitchen table. The first was a Christmas card from J. Day @ The Ramblings of Charlie Brown wishing me a lovely holidays and welcoming me to the postcard campaign. The second was the actual post card from Julie over @ According to Jewels. Both the card and the postcard were lovely and both are now pinned on my notice board.  I'm not sure if they arrived quickly or not, the post mark says 05/12/11 so it took just little over a week to get here from Philadelphia and Redding CA. I was so pleased to receive them, I love getting hand written messages rather than an email and when it comes from a total stranger, well that's a bonus :) 

On another note that is closer to home - I'll be home in 4 days :) and I can't wait. I spoke to my mum this morning and it's made me even more excited to get home. Being home will mean proper food that isn't pasta( not that there is anything wrong with pasta, but there are only so many ways you can eat it), a nice warm fire, hugging mum, lots of present to wrap, hugging/annoying Emma/Sammy, seeing the doggies and the new one, hugging daddy and food that isn't microwaved. Not that I microwaved a lot of food (mainly because my dished don't fit in the microwave we have), but because you can't beat a proper home cooked dinner. 

So, 12 sleeps til Christmas and I still haven't finished my shopping, I still need something for my dad, something substantial for my brother - joke toilet paper just doesn't cut it - and somehow, get something for Tom Tom and perhaps a little something more for Boyfriend. Jeese, if Christmas is this stressful now, how bad is it gonna be when I have kiddies? Although, it will get all it's magic back when I have kiddies, all that Santa malarky and what not. 


Bye Bye!
Drives me nuts!

That's all you lot are getting for now. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Do They Know It's Christmas?

Do they? DO THEY??? Hmmm??

Of course they bloody do. Okay, I dunno what that was all about but it came into my head and made me sing a little. I've made 2 good friends on my course and we decided that we'd go for some xmas drinks on Monday night seeing as we won't see each other before I leave for home on the 17th. It was awesome.

We went to Nando's which everyone around here keeps ranting and raving about, but it's just  nice chicken joint. So if you like chicken, go to Nando's :) I had a nice spicy fillet burger and some chips with pita and red pepper dip to start. Was so good, but as usually I spilt some down my hoodie. Go me! We then went to an O'Neills for a few and then moved on to Wetherspoons for some more. Needless to say we spent the entire time laughing about the silliest things ever. They spend their lives making fun of my accent and I spend my time making fun of them in return. No need to guess who I'm moving in with next year, hopefully. 

After my little nocturnal stint I finally made myself go back into class at a normal hour and find out that the 3 weeks of classes I was hoping for are actually finished. Turns out that since we've finished all of the teaching weeks that they had planned they're letting us leave a little early. Which would've been great if we didn't have 2 days left at our placement, if they's moved these 2 days I could've gone home earlier than I am. 

My schedule from now until I go home looks a little like this, 

  1. Placement tomorrow
  2. Shopping in the evening with Boyfriend
  3. Friday -tutorial and  rugby social dinner (I am +1)
  4. Cinema or something nice and cheery in the evening with Boyfriend.
  5. Thursday 15th - placement again
  6. Friday - final tutorial
I'm really looking forward to getting home, I should have a boat load of presents to wrap when I get there which makes me very excited! I think I'll have all of the ones that I've bought plus any that mum's bought for other people and if sister and other brother can't be arsed to do their's I get them too :) Happy happy times 

Monday, 5 December 2011

Santa Claus is coming to town!!

Technically, it's the 6th of December which means that I have missed 2 days of the month. :( Although! It's not because I didn't want too, simply because I couldn't find the time to do it. The 4th was a Sunday and I was visiting some family of Boyfriend's and it was a loooong day. want the short version?

Supposed to meet Boyfriend at train station at 10:51
Boyfriend was not there
Walked to house to meet boyfriend anyway
Knocked on door - no answer
Spare room curtains closed
Car gone from driveway - Conclusion - Boyfriend asleep!
Waited outside in the sweet December chill for over 2 hours until Boyfriend's family came back from shopping.
Woke boyfriend up and had fun picking on him for the rest of the day. 

Result of boyfriend feeling bad for leaving me outside alone in the cold. A Happy Feet 2 toy :).
So that's my excuse for not blogging on Sunday. My excuse for Monday isn't anywhere as good - I just couldn't find the time for it. Mainly because  went to uni, finished at 1, came home and slept until 6. Woke up just as Boyfriend was leaving for rugby training, watched an Austrailian movie about John Bunting and then had dinner, at 10:30 :P

 I don' think I'm being nocturnal again, probably the anaemia kicking in again. When we got back from Boyfriend's families I slept from 10 pm unitl 3am, woke up long enough to have a wee conversation that went like this,

'So, what's a bum bear?'
'A what now'
'You were talking to me about bum bears earlier then just ignored me'
'I don't remember, I was asleep'
'But you said it like you were awake'
'That's why it's called sleep talking, so what exactly did I say?'
'You just came out with 'bum bears' and I asked 'what's a bum bear' and you went 'what?' and then you said 'no, nice bears.' 
'Oh, I dunno what a bum bear is. Sounds fun though.'

I've informed boyfriend that when I talk in my sleep it's always fun to talk back because it usually starts a conversation that I have no recollection of in the morning which makes the whole situation even funnier for him. I've warned him to watch me in case I start sleep walking again. 

So, I'll give you 3 links today. One for the 4th, 5th and 6th, obviously.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Elf and Safety

4th post in a row, I'm getting pretty good at this :) 

I made the mistake of having some coke (the drink) before I wanted to go to bed, which was a terrible idea as I couldn't actually get to sleep. So I watched some TV in the hopes that it would make me tired and that I'd finally fall asleep. No chance apparently. I'm, trying to connect this post to Christmas in some way, but after watching Insidious I can think of nothing more than terrifying demon things. Which aren't Christmassy at all. :(

The only reason I mentioned the movie is because it actually scared the living wits out of me. (all the dead ones are still there) It'd a very rare occasion when a horror movie actually makes me jump when I'm supposed to. Usually I jump when a cereal box gets knocked over, not when you see the killer standing below the bedroom window and then disappearing. The movie finished quite a while ago, but it has shaken me and my teddies just aren't big enough to protect me this time. I'm supposed to be getting up in a few hours to go visit some people and I don't see me getting to sleep, so I might just stay awake and get some more coke when I wake up.

I figured out to make it Christmassy.... What are you'r favourite movies to watch at Christmas? Do you have any traditions? I like watching ELF, but I guess most people do, it's just so damn funny. And of course, The Nightmare Before Christmas has to be watched. I know that every year when the TV listings come out, I sit down with a pen and mark every movie that I'd like to watch. It usually ends up being aroun 30 of them and most of them are on at the same time, then I have to consult with the rest of the family to see who else wants to watch the same movie, or who else has a movie on at the same time as one that I want to see. Then there's the rush to see who could watch a movie in their bedroom instead of in the living room and do we have an aerial for the TV that works? Where can we set it so you can get the best picture? ITS MADNESS!! 

And do we watch the Queen's speech or not? I don't think we do. I think my mother watched it. I know I've never watched it. What does she even say? I like the Queen though, I think she'd be an awesome little granny to have. I always want to know what she keeps in her handbag? Does she have normal Granny stuff, like old tissues that she licks so she can wipe your face? And a boiled sweet or two floating about in there so she can clack them against her teeth? Or does she have a tazer to protect herself. I'd also like to know what the Pope keeps in his hat. I reckon it's a bottle of whiskey with a straw coming out of it so he can have a wee sip every now and then :P

Linky link - It's so prickly

Deck The Halls!

I saw a post by Mynx about her Christmas tree and it made me start thinking about decorations. I quite liked her post about her decorations and how she has special ones and how she buys new ones, it's a nice little tradition to have.

So, I was wondering, when IS a good time to put up the decorations? I know in our house, my mum likes to wait as long as she can before she puts them up and she likes to take them down as soon after New Years as she can. I love putting up the decorations, well, I like doing the tree. I'm not too sure about all the other stuff. I do like the odd singing Santa around the place. And of course, I love my little mini tree in my bedroom. 

I like keeping my tree simple. I'm not a fan of tinsel unless it's all the same colour. When we were kids we used to throw whatever came out of the box onto the tree and it usually looked like a group of drunken elves had thrown up on it after the Xmas party was done. Last year however! Thomas and I got to do the tree and it looked quite nice. All red and gold and simple. I can't wait to get home and do our tree. I hope they save it until I come back! But they probably won't cos they don't love me :(

I started my shopping the other day. I've managed to get a few things for my mum and dad. Nothing too exciting though. And I have no idea what to get the rest of them. :( I hoping that because I'm a poor student they won't expect much from me. Maybe I could make a pasta picture for them :P I do have lots of pasta. MMMMMM, I want some pasta now :) I like Christmas a lot. 

Here's your link for today. I found it completely by accident a few months ago and can't get it out of my head, so enjoy!

Friday, 2 December 2011

'Oh Come All Ye Faithful'

So, it's the 2nd of December and I have no idea what to write about... Lemme think for a bit (19: 28)

OOH! Winter Wonderland! So Hyde Park Winter Wonderland is cool - ish. I went there on Tuesday evening and had a very nice time, once I'd gotten over the ice skating fiasco.

Boyfriend thought it'd be a lovely romantic thing for us to go ice skating together, because it's Christmas and whatever. I didn't want to go at first cos I thought it was going to be expensive, but then we realised it was gonna  be £20 quid for the both of us cos, we're students and stuff :) I was still a bit worried. I've never been skating, so I was a bit scared and yes I did whinge - a lot. 

So, we got there, I panicked some more, beat myself up by saying that I had to go skating cos boyfriend paid and put the damn things on. Of course we had to pick the seats farthest away from the ice rink, so I wobbled like a baby giraffe to the queue and panicked some more. Cutting a long story short - I couldn't do it. I was far too nervous. As you might know, I can barely walk in my on flat shoes, on flat, fry ground when I'm sober. So trying to skate, on ice, in ice skates just wasn't going to work at all. 

So, here's you link for today...
It's special :D

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Here it comes again!

It is officially December, which means there are only 24 days until Christmas day which makes me very happy. 
I think I'll try and write a little post everyday from now until the 25th and somehow - God knows how - relate it to Christmas. 

This one will be easy, I can talk about advent calendars and how I don't have one! I don't really mind not having one, it's not as if I can't walk to the shop everyday for the next month and buy a full bar of chocolate when I want one instead of having to wait to wrestle with a tiny little cardboard window that refuses to open without ripping so I can get a tiny little piece of chocolate.  

I've had an idea! An advent related idea, each day I'll leave a little link to something that makes me happy. it'll be up to you whether or not you want to follow said link and see what my mind enjoys or not. Either way I'll have fun with it and maybe you'll get a few giggles out of it too. If I was good at drawing or had the patience or the skills to draw something on the laptop I'd do little pictures, but I'm not good at it so I won't.

I get to fly back home and see the Terminator  in exactly 16 days and 25 minutes which is all filled with yay and good stuffs! I'll get to meet the new addition to the McCool/McElwee clan and see the rest of the family - except Thomas who gets to have BBQ Turkey for his Xmas dinner instead of all the lovely things I'll be getting to eat. Which is another reason to be glad that I'm going home - a proper dinner with spuds! (how stereotypical is that?) 

Anyway, enjoy your treat for today...
                                                                     December 1st

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Ruh Roh

For the past week I've noticed a dramatic change in my life. I've become nocturnal, which is really not good when you have uni classes during the day, It also has a horrible affect on your social life. Since I only see the person that I've become nocturnal with i.e. Alex, I've pretty much lost all connections with any living person that I knew before becoming a night creature. For those people that I've left behind I apologise. 

My day (read night) goes like this. 

  •  Go to bed around 5 or 6 in the morning. 
  •  Hear my alarm go off at 7:30 to tell me to get my ass to uni.
  •  Say '5 more minutes ma' and roll over and go to sleep.
  •  Wake up at 3 and panic because I've missed a class
  •  Realise that at this point there is nothing I can do 'cos all my classes finish at 12:30
  •  Do some work that probably wouldn't get done otherwise
  •  Tidy the pigsty and other independent type things. 
  •  Arse around on the laptop for ages until I feel sleepy and make myself a promise that I'll go in tomorrow.
Unless I get out of this habit soon I'm buggered. I think I need my mummy here to help me out of bed in the morning. 

In a completely unrelated post, I just googled tickets for The Lion King in theatres and nearly fell off of the bed in shock. £97:50 to go see the bloody play! That's my xmas gift idea out the window. 
In another unrelated little bit. I went to Hyde Park Winter Wonderland tonight. I was supposed to be going ice skating, and I have no idea why, but the idea of it terrified me so much that I couldn't even put my feet on the rink. It was just too damn scary. I do feel terrible though, not cos I looked like an arsehole, watching all the little kiddies skating, but because Alex paid for it and I wasted his money :(

Sunday, 20 November 2011

I am so hungry!

Just finished my first authentic assignment for uni. It was an essay on how a children's centre plans to meet the needs of all the children they look after. Supposed to be 1000 words, which is really nothing when you've just come from A level English and Health and Social care. However! I had no idea what I was supposed to be writing so, it took me about 2 days longer than it should've. Anyhoo! I'm done now, so no complaining! All I have left to do for mid terms is make a wee poster, which can be done tomorrow night and it'll look all lovely and pretty :)

Is should've a word? I know we say it all the time, but Google's just wiggly lined it and now I'm thinking that maybe it isn't a word at all?

And, and and!! It's under a month until I get to go home and see my wee mammy, who I miss. A lot. And I suppose I'll see the rest of the family too, except Thomas, cos he pissed off to Oz to look after horsies!

All in all a very good day :) except I ripped my tights with a jelly belly bean

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Her have 7 babies

I heard a really random 'fact' last night. Apparently there are only 2 jobs in the world where woman make more money than men. Midwifery Makes you think it?

Woman make the babies and then other woman have to deliver the babies. I dunno if this is an injustice or if it just makes sense.

My cat, her have 7 babies. 

Friday, 11 November 2011

If you happened to read this - Penguin Slushies 
then you'll know all about my weird and wonderful dream with Thomas, Peter Kay and the penguins. This is simply a follow up to that to let you all know that my dream the next night was related to this one!  

This dream involved only Peter Kay, and was basically him telling me that he'd read my blog about  the Penguin slushies and wanted to meet me. After a short chat he decided that I was hilarious and was going to be his new warm up act on his tours.. It continued after this, but as is the way in my dreams, it was something completely irrelevant to the previous part and so, I've forgotten it.

I'm not too sure, but I don't think that most people dreams connect to each other night after night. Don't people usually just have a random crazy dream? Hmmm, maybe I'm just clairvoyant and Peter Kay is going to find me and tell mehe's going on tour again.. 

if only

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Penguin slushies.

This post concerns a lot of weird things. So if you can't be bothered with weirdness at the minute, maybe come back later.

I'm not sure how the conversations began, but it came around that the fella and myself ended up talking about weird dreams and I mentioned that I seemed to have weirder dreams than everyone else does. I make the joke of saying that I was gonna start writing done these nuts dreams from now on, and well, here I am. I had a very weird dream last night. it involved these guys....


Peter Kay

I know this is a very odd combinations of components for a dream. It went like this...

Thomas and I were given an award for some reason or other, I think it had something to do with physcic powers :) and were sent to collect it at a ceremony. For some absurd reason, the ceremony was being hosted by the penguins, and to get out award we had to sit on an iceberg and wait for our categorry to roll around. As we were finally announced as the winners we stood up to accept our awards but were forced into our seats again. Obviously we knew nothing about the protocol of a peguin awards show! When we sat down we were then forced to withstand a barage of icy slush which compacted around us while little penguins clapped and cheered. Eventually we realised the icy was indeed a Slushie drink and we were absolutely drunk.

After the ceremony we attended the obligatory after party and managed to get stuck in the lift on the way to the banquet hall. Who should come to fix the lift? Peter Kay of course! (For those of you who don't know, I love this man. I think he's one of the funniest guys around - hence why he pops up in my dreams) He showed up in a maintainence outfit and proceeded to fix the lift. The scene then changed to a book signing, where I am standing in a line waiting to grab a signature. I can't recall who I'm queing to see and when I finally get to the table it's Kay, again. I have one of those teen fan girl hissy fits and have to be taken to the side and worked with. Eventually I manage to get to meet the man himself and begin having a heart to heart with him. I explain how much I like his comedy and embarrass myself by reciting almost all of his 'Mum Wants A Bunglaow Tour' - or so I think.

 I crack a few of my own jokes and Kay then hires me to be his warm up act on his new tour. Fun times. Then it ends....

From this I've come to the conclusion that I am nuts.  :)

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I remember how we began talking about dreams.. We were talking about this song. I mentioned that the world would be a nuts place if it was like my dreams...

Sunday, 6 November 2011


I think the boyfriend and I have finally reached that stage where it is now acceptable for him to fart around me and not get embarrassed. I'm really not sure if this is a milestone that one usually celebrates or should look forward to, but I'm sure it means things are going well.... Unless he's doing it to try and tell me to piss off... Hmmm, any thoughts? After re reading this part, I think I've come to the conclusion that it's a bit of a weird situation.... Maybe he's just beign gross. I would also like to point out that I don't fart in front of him.

Also, we made our first 'difficult' dinner tonight. We tried a roast. Turned out pretty well..... There wasn't much to it, but boy was it yummy. I don't know why this particular dinner seemed to be more special than any of the others I've made since being at uni, maybe because it seems to be the one thing that your mum can cook when you're at home but you can't. Stir frys are easy, roast are not

Monday, 31 October 2011


It's halloween, so what else should I write about?

I absolutely love halloween. I like it more the Christmas, which is a little weird but I love it. I get to dress up as whatever I fancy and be a nutter for the night. I love dressing up so this is a bonus. Unfortunately I haven't got any plans this year, so no costume and no trick or treating for little old me.  :(

However! Just in case you might want to them, here are some pics of me from previous years....
A zombie and a pink lady

A pirate

The queen of hearts

And a jester

Monday, 24 October 2011


Why can't the world, for once, let me say what I really want to and not have to deal with the repercusions? If you say you are going to change your attitude, then by all means give it a go. But at least try to make a start on it as soon as you decide upon it. Don't get to the end of your story and ruin it already. What a waste of effort :(

Anyway, I am sleepy, so very bloody sleepy that I am sad. About a month ago I was made to go see my GP by my mum who finally decided that there was a medical reason for my being as pale as the dead all the time.  After a few blood samples and a week of waiting all the doctor could come up with was good old anaemia and perscribed my iron tablets. The perscription form also said to eat lots (of red meat) which I did. HOWEVER! She said that I only needed to take them for about 2 months which doesn't really make sense to me. I thought anaemia was quite a long term illness, or rather, deficiency and this sort of confirmed that. I suppose I'll just have to wait till I get back home and head to the docs again.

Anyone know much about anaemia?

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

The total so far..

If you've seen that blog then you'll know that I was being chatted up before I'd even left the country. Well today at the train station my tally for black guys chatting me up reached a grand total of..... 5. Including the man who thought I had a son.

What is their obsession with me? Where did it come from? So far this is how they've tried to get me...

  1. Asked me if my profile picture is my son. Result : No Deal
  2. You're pretty cool, are you from Ireland? I had a friend from Dublin once. She's slightly drunk, let's try to kiss her. Result : No Deal
  3. Walking home from shop, guy leaves his house and continues this conversation with me -                     'Do you need a hug?
    'No I don't thanks.'
    'Awh c'mon, everyone needs a hug off me. It'll make your day so much better than it is.'
    'I'm fine thanks.'
    'But you're missing out on a once in a life time chance. I don't hand out hugs to everyone. Just pretty students'  Result : No Deal  - also may be a student serial killer.
  4. Follow me up the escalator out of a tube station and mistakenly think I'm smiling at him. Makes some boring conversation about his last girlfriend from DUBLIN. Result : No Deal         
  5. Watch me like a stalker as I gracefully munch my way through a Subway that is far too big to eat. Casually ask where the next train is headed. Force your mobile number on me and make me give you mine. Here follows some bullshit story about how my phone isn't working so I can't make or receive calls. Watch awkwardly as he rings the fake number you gave him.  Again tells me about his ex from Dublin. Result : No Deal

Women do like to be told about your ex girlfriend while you are chatting them up. Even if they are going to say no anyway.

Leave me alone please.

A víte, že když jsem se jen ponožky, že je pracovní čas. To je důvod, proč se jim říkáobchodní ponožky

Saturday, 15 October 2011


I know I'm a bit late to the party BUT, how awesome is Game of Thrones?

I'll tell you. It's amazing. I watched the first episode yesterday while I was in Alex's (  flat waiting for him to come back from class and I was blown away. I've only got up to episode 5 because I forgot to ask Alex to let me copy it onto my drive so I've been watching it online which takes a while. 

I'm a little confused with some bits - mainly the families - it takes me a while to get my head around who is related to whom and how. But I get there eventually. Must say, the oul Queen is a bitch. Pushing the wee cute kid out the windy cos he saw her bumping uglies with HER BROTHER!! I was also informed that the weird incestuous relationship gets worse in time, I think it was her cousin. NO QUEEN! WE DON'T BUMP UGLIES WITH FAMILY!! BAD QUEEN. VERY BAD QUEEN. 

I'm in love with it. Totally in love with it. In particular this guy :D
I couldn't put my finger on where I'd seen him before or why I liked him. Then I realised that it was this guy....

Yep, it was Ronon Dex from SGA and I love him <3 

Deus fortis et evolvam te et evolvam te dedit petram
                                      Dedit omnibus roll petramDeus fortis
                                                 et evolvam
 te et evolvam te dedit petramPone in anima your'e

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Flat-mate Etiquette

2 days ago I came back from my class to my flat and walked passed our kitchen, took a quick glance in and saw one of my flat mates in a towel in there - obviously just out of the shower. I kept walking and went into my room, I then began to wonder if I should have stopped to say hello or if it would've been weird considering she was in her towel and I was fully clothed. After some careful consideration I decided that going to my room was the best decision, after all, I wouldn't want someone having a conversation with me if I was wrapped in a towel.

So, I thought I need to write something about flat etiquette. Are there general rules that everyone already knows? 

Obviously everyone knows that they should clean up after themselves, but is there also a rule that says if the cleaning isn't done immediately someone else in the flat is allowed to complain like an old lady? I understand that if someone's dirty dishes are in the sink for over a week you have a right to be annoyed, but sometimes, people just don't want to wash all their shite right away. And that's fine! There's no need to put a sign up in the kitchen chastising us over some dirty dishes. 

What about noise? Is there a rule that states that the noise coming from your room must be a certain level? If there is, no one is paying attention to it. I know in my flat that we don't really socialise much together so it can be a bit awkward to tell someone that their music is too loud or their dirty pan has attracted a hoard of violent bugs. 

There are 6 people all together in my flat and I can pretty much categorise them like this;
  1. In room 1 - the foreign guy who likes his own mates and stays in his room all night. Like cooking at wtf o'clock in the morning.
  2. Room 2 - the girl from back home, who lives up to the Irish stereotype - drunk all the time. Misses lectures and spends most of her time in the flat upstairs with all the other alco's
  3. Room 3 - the gay guy that I made friends with straight away. Likes a drink but does his work first. Is actually a very nice bloke and has the same idea of uni as I do
  4. Room 4 - the angry cleaner. Leaves notes complaining that the kitchen is dirty and steals your dishes. Likes to have strawberries and cream with her boyfriend when she thinks no one is in ;)
  5. Room 5 - me! You know me, I like a drink but I like to sleep more. Came to uni to work, but likes to go out at the weekend.
  6. Room 6 - the new girl, moved in after everyone else and we still aren't sure of her name. Likes everything loud, drinks a lot and makes a lot of noise in the kitchen with #1 in the morning.
So, if you can read, you'll see that we're all quite different and view pretty much everything differently. I can talk to rooms 2 and 3 pretty easily as we all got pissed our 2nd night here. Room 4 stays in her room all the time and we barely see her unless she's cleaning. Rooms 1 and 6 and phantom's, I'm not sure if there is even someone living there or not. But we all have our own ways of doing things and no one really wants to point out that someone else is a messy/noisy/drunken shite. We do our own stuff, but eventually someone will cross the line and we'll all die.

Doeddwn i erioed i'n mynd i roi hyd. Peidiwch byth â mynd i adael i chi i lawr. Peidiwch byth â mynd i redeg o gwmpas a anialwch i chi.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Maybe it doesn't

Okay, so if you read my last blog, which you didn't, then you'll all know that I confessed that UNI SUCKS. It does not.

I was just having a very, very bad day. My face was like this....


Damn world!
As you'd know if you read my blog. But since only about 3 people actually read it I won't keep mentioning it. I'll just assume that you read it, and if I mention something relating to an older post that you haven't seen, well that's your fault for not paying attention to me. :P

I only thought uni sucked. I was severely pissed because I thought I was going to have to fork out £200 for something that I can find online for a tiny fraction of that price. Yes I lost my keys and was being robbed for a new set. HOWEVER! my lovely flat mater Matthew sent me the best message ever this afternoon. My keys had been found! We have no idea who found them or when, but he said they had been left on the floor outside my door before he left for class this morning. Although no one from Robbins reads this, but thank you to whoever found them :) you saved me a packet.

And now my face is like this.....
Why all the babies? I found an angry baby so I had to find a happy baby to balance things. Incidentally, the pictures of said babies have also cheered me up. 

Top Tip 1: When feeling really sad/depressed search for videos of giggling babies of youtube, cheers you right up 

Just to finish off, how awesome is this kid?

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Uni Sucks

I've been in London for about 12 days now and all I can say is that it sucks monkey nuts. 

I've spent the past week sitting in a stuffy over crowded classroom listening to people continuously introduce themselves to everyone, after a few days at this you run out of things to tell people. Half of the things you do tell them they'll have forgotten by the time you sit down again. 

It's been far too fucking warm since I got here and I can barely do anything because of it. It costs me about £15 to get into uni each day and at a total cost of £75 a week it's too fucking much. I think that I must have caught the worst case of freshers flu possible and feel like I'm dying all the time. 

I've had the 2 of the worst hangover's imaginable since I came here thanks to a guy in the flat upstairs. And to top it all off I lost my set of keys which costs a lovely £200 quid to replace because of some wee black beepy thing that lets you into the building. So if I can't find them soon, I'll have to fork our for them leaving me with under £200 quid to last until April :(


Wednesday, 14 September 2011

The Final Countdown

Dun na na naa. Dun na na na naa!!!! (that's the opening to The Final Countdown in case you didn't get it)

Well, the name of this post says it all, it is the final countdown, the final few days before I leave for my next great adventure. In 5 days I will be leaving the great green pastures of home and jetting off to the metropolis that is London town to begin my uni days. One would expect the prospective uni student to be running around like a headless chicken packing things and trying to figure out how to fit 18 years worth of stuff into a measly 30kgs worth of suitcases. Well I am doing that, expect I also have to figure out to get around 34 pairs of shoes to London as well. ( for those of you who don't know I have a major shoe obsession. I just can't help myself)

I will warn you now, whoever is in the area with me when I'm leaving should have tissues with them. I fully expect to break down in tears at the airport as I say goodbye to my wee Mammy :'( 

I've already been crying. My mate Damo left for Newport on Saturday and I was all sad a weepy about that. So, Ginge, if you read this rubbish, I miss you!! I'm so bad in fact that when the boyfriend had to leave on Tuesday night to go home and I thought I wouldn't see him until Monday I had a wee cry to myself. What an eejit :P And then there's Bradley, or Dad as we like to call him. I think I'll miss his useless facts about QOTSA most, that and his funny noises.

Ginge and myself

Me and Alex

Bradley and I

No more Piazza for coffee, or Subway for a munch. No more hitting Marjorie's for a drink and no more Banter's. Life is gonna be so odd for a while. 

Awh well, I gotto go pack!!!