Friday, 11 November 2011

If you happened to read this - Penguin Slushies 
then you'll know all about my weird and wonderful dream with Thomas, Peter Kay and the penguins. This is simply a follow up to that to let you all know that my dream the next night was related to this one!  

This dream involved only Peter Kay, and was basically him telling me that he'd read my blog about  the Penguin slushies and wanted to meet me. After a short chat he decided that I was hilarious and was going to be his new warm up act on his tours.. It continued after this, but as is the way in my dreams, it was something completely irrelevant to the previous part and so, I've forgotten it.

I'm not too sure, but I don't think that most people dreams connect to each other night after night. Don't people usually just have a random crazy dream? Hmmm, maybe I'm just clairvoyant and Peter Kay is going to find me and tell mehe's going on tour again.. 

if only

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