Saturday, 15 October 2011


I know I'm a bit late to the party BUT, how awesome is Game of Thrones?

I'll tell you. It's amazing. I watched the first episode yesterday while I was in Alex's (  flat waiting for him to come back from class and I was blown away. I've only got up to episode 5 because I forgot to ask Alex to let me copy it onto my drive so I've been watching it online which takes a while. 

I'm a little confused with some bits - mainly the families - it takes me a while to get my head around who is related to whom and how. But I get there eventually. Must say, the oul Queen is a bitch. Pushing the wee cute kid out the windy cos he saw her bumping uglies with HER BROTHER!! I was also informed that the weird incestuous relationship gets worse in time, I think it was her cousin. NO QUEEN! WE DON'T BUMP UGLIES WITH FAMILY!! BAD QUEEN. VERY BAD QUEEN. 

I'm in love with it. Totally in love with it. In particular this guy :D
I couldn't put my finger on where I'd seen him before or why I liked him. Then I realised that it was this guy....

Yep, it was Ronon Dex from SGA and I love him <3 

Deus fortis et evolvam te et evolvam te dedit petram
                                      Dedit omnibus roll petramDeus fortis
                                                 et evolvam
 te et evolvam te dedit petramPone in anima your'e


  1. Got to admit he is cool. He is also the new Conan the barbarian. Yeah Stargate!
