Saturday, 3 December 2011

Elf and Safety

4th post in a row, I'm getting pretty good at this :) 

I made the mistake of having some coke (the drink) before I wanted to go to bed, which was a terrible idea as I couldn't actually get to sleep. So I watched some TV in the hopes that it would make me tired and that I'd finally fall asleep. No chance apparently. I'm, trying to connect this post to Christmas in some way, but after watching Insidious I can think of nothing more than terrifying demon things. Which aren't Christmassy at all. :(

The only reason I mentioned the movie is because it actually scared the living wits out of me. (all the dead ones are still there) It'd a very rare occasion when a horror movie actually makes me jump when I'm supposed to. Usually I jump when a cereal box gets knocked over, not when you see the killer standing below the bedroom window and then disappearing. The movie finished quite a while ago, but it has shaken me and my teddies just aren't big enough to protect me this time. I'm supposed to be getting up in a few hours to go visit some people and I don't see me getting to sleep, so I might just stay awake and get some more coke when I wake up.

I figured out to make it Christmassy.... What are you'r favourite movies to watch at Christmas? Do you have any traditions? I like watching ELF, but I guess most people do, it's just so damn funny. And of course, The Nightmare Before Christmas has to be watched. I know that every year when the TV listings come out, I sit down with a pen and mark every movie that I'd like to watch. It usually ends up being aroun 30 of them and most of them are on at the same time, then I have to consult with the rest of the family to see who else wants to watch the same movie, or who else has a movie on at the same time as one that I want to see. Then there's the rush to see who could watch a movie in their bedroom instead of in the living room and do we have an aerial for the TV that works? Where can we set it so you can get the best picture? ITS MADNESS!! 

And do we watch the Queen's speech or not? I don't think we do. I think my mother watched it. I know I've never watched it. What does she even say? I like the Queen though, I think she'd be an awesome little granny to have. I always want to know what she keeps in her handbag? Does she have normal Granny stuff, like old tissues that she licks so she can wipe your face? And a boiled sweet or two floating about in there so she can clack them against her teeth? Or does she have a tazer to protect herself. I'd also like to know what the Pope keeps in his hat. I reckon it's a bottle of whiskey with a straw coming out of it so he can have a wee sip every now and then :P

Linky link - It's so prickly


  1. a giggle before my bed time, honestly keep this up. these are good. now stop doing lines of coke and go to bed.

  2. I aint doing Coke. It's Pepsi :P
