Saturday, 14 January 2012

Items of note. #1

The item of note today is a fort! A plain, old fashioned fort made out of blankets and pillows. 

This is my fort. :)

My fort is awesome for the simple fact that we made it at silly o'clock in the morning because I made a nest on the bed and the idea steamrolled from there. 

The reason's for my fort being awesome are simple. 
1. Made me feel like a kid again
2. Got to build a fort
3. It was cosy (especially with boyfriend in it as well)
4. It distracted us both from the terror of exams and assessments for a while

Everyone should build a fort regularly in their adult life. It makes everything so much more exciting. Example - watching a dvd in a fort seems so much cooler than watching a dvd while sitting on your bed. Doesn't it? I know you agree. Don't lie, you want a fort. 

Damn you little fort.


  1. i sleep in a fort every night. its essentially a converted bunk bed. with blankets around it so no one can perve on me when am sleeping. it still counts as a fort right.

  2. It is not a fort.. That's a cave! They is awesome right?
