Wednesday, 4 January 2012

I can't think of a title :P

My time at home is almost done. I gotta go back to London on Friday, which means I leave everyone again, but I get to see boyfriend again! I had a really nice time being back home. I didn't do much more than I normally do when I'm at home. But being back in the routine of home made me feel good. :)

I started a new photography thingy called the 365 Project. The premise is pretty simple, you take a picture of absolutely anything you want each day for the whole year. There is an official website 365 but I chose not to use this as it just doesn't seem as neat as where I eventually settled - Shutter Cal .I think the fact that it actually sets itself out like a calendar makes it seem much neater that anything else I could find. I like that it lets you write a little explanation for the picture too. At first I had no idea what to post on it. It seemed like a site for people who are genuinely interested in photography and have loads of fancy schmancy equipment. But after nosing through the numerous other calendars, I noticed that it's just a fun way to share some photographs. 

I think is going to be something that I actually go out of my way to do each day. I've even started carrying my camera about with me in case I see something that would make a good photo. So far I've got nothing artsy fartsy, but then again, I'm not so what I have uploaded suits me pretty well.

In a slightly odd twist to this post, I found these pictures on my camera when I was uploading my picture for today....

These photographs are confusing mainly because I only got this jumper today and I didn't take these myself. When my sister came home I was asleep in a very odd position in my bed...
A diagram depicting the weird sleeping positions of me!
so she couldn't have taken them. My mother doesn't know how to use the camera and I'm pretty sure that if someone did take the photographs I would have noticed.. Weird or what?


  1. You used the word "home" a lot in that 1st paragraph, you sad to be going or something?

    seems your sleep walking may have taking a turn for the worse/crazy.

    I have heard of the 365 project, and I do like to take random photos most days but not sure if it something i can persue for a full year


  2. I just re read that first paragraph and I did use home a lot. home home home home.

    I hadn't thought that I may have taken those while I was asleep!!!

    I dunno if I'll make it for the year. I'll try to take photo's each day but I probably forget to upload them all the time.

    NODNOL 285 Selim
