Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Happy happy happy

Yes, I am very happy for some reason. It might me because at this very moment I have a gorgeous packet of awesome right beside me - that's right, custard creams :) It might also be because boyfriend let slip what's coming my way for my birthday - 2 tickets to The Making of Harry Potter at WB Studios. Or it might simply be because I don't have classes until the beginning of February.


Now I have no custard creams and I still have a presentation and 3 essay's to finish (read as start). I was reading  JRose's post over at the Cheeseblarg about how she terrorised boys that she liked when she was younger. I started thinking that I used to do something similar. Not the bad poetry and the freaky pretending to pee while I took stuff from their locker, but I did have an annoying habit of beating the shite out of people. Those poor people. Just like JRose, all I can say is that I am sorry if I ever beat you because it probably meant that at some point I liked you. Then, obviously, grew to hate you.


I also read the latest post from Mynx over at Dribble about toys that her kids used to have. I read it and remembered with joy, the Robodoc that I used to have and how we ended up losing almost all of the pieces. it got me thinking about other toys we used to have as kids, but for some strange reason are still kept in the shed even though there are numerous pieces missing.

Like Gooey Looey

and Buckaroo

So which toys did you love as child that didn't quite live up to the advertisement? And which ones are still collecting dust in storage?

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