Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Items of note. #2

The iPhone!

Just got one, not a new one a second or third hand one of the boyfriend but I am still as happy as a crab or whatever that saying is.  :)

I'm not totally in love with because of the name, or the fact that the camera is amazing. I love it for the QWERTY keypad, I know my old phone had this, but it just seems so much better on this thing. I also like Doodle Jump :P

I'm looking for a case for it now, because I am a useless bugger and it'll be dropped numerous times before the end of the week. Apparently cases for the 3 are hard to find, I have a back up idea anyway. I want a nice pretty one, but if not I'll settle for a plain black one. As long as it stops Clarence from dying, yes Clarence. Named by boyfriend, I only got him on the condition that his name wouldn't change. I love Clarence :)

Since getting it I've been given a tutorial on how to use it. You need to ask it nicely to turn on by shouting ON! It helps if no one is looking when you do this as it is shy. Ohh, imagine if phones had personalities that we could recognise. It'd be hilarious to hear someone say that there phone was being a bitch and actually meaning it, as if there phone was talking back. I amuse myself .

I've also been advised as to what apps I should get for it. I've got facebook, funny pics and a few newspapers so far.. Any ideas?

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Items of note. #1

The item of note today is a fort! A plain, old fashioned fort made out of blankets and pillows. 

This is my fort. :)

My fort is awesome for the simple fact that we made it at silly o'clock in the morning because I made a nest on the bed and the idea steamrolled from there. 

The reason's for my fort being awesome are simple. 
1. Made me feel like a kid again
2. Got to build a fort
3. It was cosy (especially with boyfriend in it as well)
4. It distracted us both from the terror of exams and assessments for a while

Everyone should build a fort regularly in their adult life. It makes everything so much more exciting. Example - watching a dvd in a fort seems so much cooler than watching a dvd while sitting on your bed. Doesn't it? I know you agree. Don't lie, you want a fort. 

Damn you little fort.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Happy happy happy

Yes, I am very happy for some reason. It might me because at this very moment I have a gorgeous packet of awesome right beside me - that's right, custard creams :) It might also be because boyfriend let slip what's coming my way for my birthday - 2 tickets to The Making of Harry Potter at WB Studios. Or it might simply be because I don't have classes until the beginning of February.


Now I have no custard creams and I still have a presentation and 3 essay's to finish (read as start). I was reading  JRose's post over at the Cheeseblarg about how she terrorised boys that she liked when she was younger. I started thinking that I used to do something similar. Not the bad poetry and the freaky pretending to pee while I took stuff from their locker, but I did have an annoying habit of beating the shite out of people. Those poor people. Just like JRose, all I can say is that I am sorry if I ever beat you because it probably meant that at some point I liked you. Then, obviously, grew to hate you.


I also read the latest post from Mynx over at Dribble about toys that her kids used to have. I read it and remembered with joy, the Robodoc that I used to have and how we ended up losing almost all of the pieces. it got me thinking about other toys we used to have as kids, but for some strange reason are still kept in the shed even though there are numerous pieces missing.

Like Gooey Looey

and Buckaroo

So which toys did you love as child that didn't quite live up to the advertisement? And which ones are still collecting dust in storage?

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Game of Huh?

As you may not have noticed this is another GOT post. Not a post to tell you all how awesome it is, or how excited I am for the new series (which happens to have a small scene filmed at a beach quite near to where I live), but a post to show you this - Oh No They Didn't

To save you some time by not reading the article, I'll give you a run down. It includes 12 reasons that we should all boycott GOT for it's unchristian ways. And has numerous reasons why the programme should be cancelled as it is ruining the youth of America.

The article is filled with hilarious statements such as ,

For many children, this will be the first time they are introduced to wanton fornication. Will they choose to experiment like this in real life? ' 

 'Deadly potions and menacing spirits dominate the storyline, but there is no mention of Jesus despite the fact that His love was the backbone of wisdom in the middle ages.

Emilia Clarke is such an untalented actress that her only role in the show is to be eye candy for peadophiles

Actor Peter Dinklage, who plays a dwarf on the show, has become the poster child for sodomy amongst America’s youths. 

The Irish actors willfully glamorize severe alcoholism. - what else would they do?

The moody, dark cinematography will make teens depressed.

There is not some debate as to whether this article is a piss take or is real. It originally came from a site called Christian Wire and was then forwarded around tumblr, blogs sites and other social networks. I'll leave you to make up your own mind. 

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

I can't think of a title :P

My time at home is almost done. I gotta go back to London on Friday, which means I leave everyone again, but I get to see boyfriend again! I had a really nice time being back home. I didn't do much more than I normally do when I'm at home. But being back in the routine of home made me feel good. :)

I started a new photography thingy called the 365 Project. The premise is pretty simple, you take a picture of absolutely anything you want each day for the whole year. There is an official website 365 but I chose not to use this as it just doesn't seem as neat as where I eventually settled - Shutter Cal .I think the fact that it actually sets itself out like a calendar makes it seem much neater that anything else I could find. I like that it lets you write a little explanation for the picture too. At first I had no idea what to post on it. It seemed like a site for people who are genuinely interested in photography and have loads of fancy schmancy equipment. But after nosing through the numerous other calendars, I noticed that it's just a fun way to share some photographs. 

I think is going to be something that I actually go out of my way to do each day. I've even started carrying my camera about with me in case I see something that would make a good photo. So far I've got nothing artsy fartsy, but then again, I'm not so what I have uploaded suits me pretty well.

In a slightly odd twist to this post, I found these pictures on my camera when I was uploading my picture for today....

These photographs are confusing mainly because I only got this jumper today and I didn't take these myself. When my sister came home I was asleep in a very odd position in my bed...
A diagram depicting the weird sleeping positions of me!
so she couldn't have taken them. My mother doesn't know how to use the camera and I'm pretty sure that if someone did take the photographs I would have noticed.. Weird or what?