Sunday, 24 April 2011

Childhood Wellies

I was having a talk with my significant other recently about silly things we used to do as children and it made me think of all the other silly things I used to do as a child. Our conversation only really covered a few things, such as; things we couldn't say properly as a child and things that our parents like to constantly remind us about.

 From what my father constantly tells me about my childhood, I was slightly retarded (which would probably explain my disposition these days). According to him I did some absolutely hilarious things as child, some I can remember and some I suspect he's made up to embarrass me in front of people.  One thing I do remember from being a kid is not being able to speak properly, when I was much younger I couldn't pronounce the letter 'r' which made my name particularly difficult to say. Instead of an 'r' I would also replace it with an 'l', so the word 'rat' more than likely became 'lat' and I wasn't known as 'Rachel', my name was 'Lachel' - while you stop laughing at that, let me tell you that I eventually grew out of it. Which, just so happens to be one of the things that I can't remember from my childhood. Only recently did I find out that to try and get rid of my unusual speech impediment, I was sent to a speech therapist for months on end. I CANNOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME REMEMBER THIS!!!

Another thing that I can't remember doing is putting my shoes on the wrong feet. Now I know that all children are bound to go through this phase for a while but that they eventually will grasp the concept of right and left. Apparently I did not. I have vivid memories of my wellie boots as a child, the ones that stick out were bright pink and had a little cartoon on the side. I do remember that I wore these wellies every chance I got. I don't however, remember my parents buying me a pair of wellies with frogs on the sides in the hope that this would teach me which foot the boot went on - the frog goes to the outside of your leg. Apparently, no matter how many time they explained it to me, that the froggies went on the outside, I insisted on putting my wellies on the wrong feet. after learning about this fact, I've come to the conclusion that in my ongoing quest to make the world a quirkier place, I insisted on wearing my wellies on the wrong feet so the frogs could talk to each other. Now, aren't I lovely person? I'm sure it would've been pretty lonely looking at everything flying past your eyes as I trudged along in my wellies. By putting my shoes on the wrong feet, the frogs made friends and enjoyed the world together!

These aren't my wellies. close enough though

Sunday, 17 April 2011


Thank God for, well for Jesus really.
If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have 2 weeks of sleeping to look forward to. Yes, it's Easter and that means 2 weeks holidays and chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate.

I've my A levels coming up so I should be revising these next two weeks, but you know I won't.
Especially not when there's a carnival coming soon and the weather is finally starting to look up. That and the fact that I only have 3 exams, the first of which isn't until the 19th of May. I think I still have time.

My motivation levels are at an all time low. When i go back after my holidays I really only have one week of school left, and with this being my last year, I plan of having fun. I have no more coursework to worry about, no more class work to panic over and only 'revision' tasks to do in my classes. And now that my link course has finished I really won't be doing anything

I wrote all that about 3 days ago and I've realised that my preliminary fear about blogging may come true. That fear being that I'll give up after three weeks. For now though I'll persevere. Ahhhhh, hmmm. Oh! I'll talk about today. Today was a weird one, for some reason I woke up at 5:30 am and could not for the life of me get back to sleep. So I gave up, switched the laptop on, watched some videos on youtube and eventually conceded and got out of bed. after mooching in the kitchen for a few minutes I decided that today would be a good day to start being a new me. I'm getting a bit sick of lying in the house all the time watching stupid TV shows and wishing for something to do. Inevitably, when I do find something to do, I don't want to do it. I thought 'balls to this' and made a new start at being me.

After listening to my father whinging that my dog, Jack, was getting fat I decided that today would also be the start of new Jack. So, at the clock hit half past nine off we went. A dog, an iPod and I went wondering down a long and lonesome road and returned home 2 hours later, warm sweaty and in need of a drink. After finally getting some brekkie, my older brother and I decided we needed to go spend money we didn't have. After a trip around Foyleside, which included bumping into my brother's girlfriend and her mother, a Burger King, watching Rango and a Starbucks we ventured home.  After being home for less than 30minutes I decided I was bored and wanted to wash the car. I washed Glen - my wagon and 'The Doc' - Thomas' wagon. I'll tell you know, The Doc could do with being washed more often. He was minging. :P
 Eventually I settled down to watch 'Whip It' which is now in my top 10 movies of all time. I highly recommend it.

Finally thing, after seeing a post from a friend on Facebook telling the world that she owned 94 books I decided to count how many I had in my room. I panicked when i reached 70, I panicked even more when I hit 100. When I finally stopped and 182 and realised that I have more books in my mother's room, that my brother has one and that there are some in storage I realised I have a problem :(

Saturday, 9 April 2011

My childhood is ending :(

I mentioned in my first post how I'm addicted to Harry Potter, well I've decided that this post shall be Potter related.

My friend Jill ( and I were talking about how the final HP movie coincides with our last year at school. I read my first Potter book when I was in primary 4 or 5, so I've been a Pothead since I was about 7, that's 11 years of my life! If you do anything passionately for 11 years of your life, when it ends you're going to be hit hard. Anyway, Harry Potter's kinda how I met Jill, she introduced me to it, so it's her fault I have to go through this painful transaction into adulthood! Being new to the world of HP, at the tender age of 7 I read them out of order, I had no idea which book came first, so I read 'Chamber of Secrets' first and was confused as hell! Eventually I pulled my finger out and read them in order - being a small child I had no way of actually buying the books for myself, so they were all borrowed and read, then borrowed and re read from the school library. If I was to look at a record of the books I took out of the school library back then it would've been Harry Potter and Roald Dahl the whole way down.

I can still remember the day I actually got my own Harry Potter, as usual with me it was out of order and I was the proud owner of 'Prisoner of Azkaban' before I had any of the others. Slowly but surely I collected all books that were out at this time, so 1-4 and read them over and over again while waiting impatiently for the newest book to come out. To pass the time while waiting for this book Jill, myself and 2 young boys who were also Potheads used to act out scenario's from the books at play times :D My life was awesome! The proudest moment of my life has to be when I found the most perfect wand in the world. It was a metal rod, but I thought I was the bee's knee's (do bee's have knee's?)

The point of this blog is to highlight the fact that Harry Potter is coming to an end with the release of the final movie - 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2' -  in July of this year and this just happens to be the end of my secondary level education, which means I have to grow up and enter the big bad world of being an adult. I'll never be able to wait outside a tatty old bookshop in the middle of town at midnight waiting for the newest book to come out. I won't be able to stay up til 3 or 4 in the morning reading the newest book and getting so excited about what might happen. I'll never have to panic about whether or not Voldemort might actually win the war, because now I know what happens. My childhood is essentially over.

Sure I can re-read the books (AGAIN), but you don't get the same buzz as you do reading them for the first time. I still have heated debates with people over how the movies compare to the books (the books win hands down), and I don't think I'll ever forgive the people who made the movies for what they did to Narcissa Malfoy. Like the rest of her family, Narcissa is supposed to be platinum blonde and have a continuous look of superiority

This is what she looks like in the movies -
Why is she wearing a dead rabbit on her head?
As a die hard fan, I was so upset by this ridiculous decision and I know Jill was also furious.

Ah Harry Potter, I'll miss you.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

My First One!

I've never had any idea what you're supposed to write in a blog so I've never had one before. My brother recently started blogging ( and convinced me to do so . I think he only started cos his lady started :P
Anyway, I've read some of his and found them pretty interesting, I've found out some things I never knew about him before.

I think this blog (if I keep it up) is going to turn into a place for me to get rid of some the goo that clogs up my brain everyday, but, I've discovered that it doesn't matter what you write about in your blog, as long as you write something that you want to write. Who cares if it makes sense or if anyone reads it?

I guess I should say a little about myself, I'm a stickler for good grammar, so if anything on this is spelt wrong it's because I'm rubbish at typing. I'm addicted to Harry Potter and when the final installment comes out in the summer I may cry a little. I live at home in the back end of nowhere with my mum, sister and older brother. I have another brother but he lives elsewhere. I'm leaving for Uni in September and my brother is leaving for Austrailia in May, so it'll be a lonely old place soon enough. I am LOUD! I really mean that. I'm also nuts. My family will confirm this, but I'm sure if you keep reading this you'll find that out soon enough.

I'm not sure if there are rules regarding blogging. How long are they supposed to be? Or is it a case of 'how long is a piece of string' ?Ah well, I think that'll do for now. I really don't think introductions are supposed to go on this long.